Kickass Interviews Gerry Mander

Artwork: “Money Badger” by Michael DiMilo By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in incredulity that no member of the press has interviewed GerryMander, considering that after he was put in place by big money, places like Wisconsin became brothels for narcissistic “Johns” with perverted ideas about how to have their way …

Kickass and Sisters

Attribution: Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Vancouver (BC, Canada), Canada Place, Kanadaflagge — 2022 — 1896” / CC BY-SA 4.0 By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, is happy to report that the visit of Phyllis’s Canadian sister Joan and husband Bill, was judged by the keeper as a success in that all of the sister’s numerous family members were discussed and …

Kickass on October 16, 2023

Attribution: Photo by zenad nabil on Unsplash By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper and Phyllis as they make the following observations on Monday morning Oct.16, 2023:          *The sun came up at 7:13 in Madison, WI, though nobody saw it for the clouds.          *The yellow-coated crossing guard at Gammon and Tree La took up his …

Kickass and Pocketknives

Attribution: bergsten, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes that the keeper is among those knife-carrying males who inherited the pocket-knife habit from his father when it was a societal-wide practice. There existed among some of the working-class knife carriers a curious “game” whereby you could not deny another …

Kickass and Canada Guests

Photo by Bill Stokes By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper joins Phyllis in a cooperative effort to shore up relationships between the US and Canada by hosting Phyllis’s sister and brother-in-law Joan and Bill Rewuski who live in Warman, Saskatchewan where Phyllis was born and raised. With the global inclination …

Kickass and Phyllis Photo Art

Photo by Bill Stokes By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper was in the Vista West audience when Phyllis presented her debut “Phillis Phixes Photos” photo-artist show in which she used some of her prize-winning photos to demonstrate how the use of a wide variety of computer programs can not only improve …

Kickass and Kyle’s Screening

Photo by Douglas Bagg on Unsplash By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis, having sat in on a screening of nephew Kyle Houseman-Stokes’s movie “My Dead Friend Chloe,” featuring Morgan Freeman and Ed Harris among others, passes along the word that Kyle has done himself proud in navigating the forbidding world of …

Kickass Talks to a Sparrow

Attribution: Paul, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the Balcony Sparrow was back, perched on the cold steel edge just below the thermometer that showed a new low temperature for the year. The two of them talked: Kickass: “Cold, huh!” BS: “Yeah, and a lot more to …