Kickass and the Fox Hunts

Attribution: Photo by Amanda Frank on Unsplash By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper recognizes this time of year as the season of the great fox hunts when he and country cousins and comrades in northwest Wisconsin spent Saturday afternoons slogging through deep midwinter snow as they followed the track of a fox that …

Kickass Joins the Dumb

Attribution: Shakib khan, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, hears the keeper’s confession that he recently joined the “dumbest” parade by expressing his opinion of some of Wisconsin’s prevailing political gerrymandered dumbness.  In assessing the way this puts the keeper right in there with the dumbest of the dumb, …

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Artwork by Michael DiMilo By Geoff Carter Towering White Pines—monarchs of the North. Beautiful cold and crystal-clear lakes. Deep, dark, peaceful woods. Silent, gold-tinged, magenta clouds scattered across the skies at sunset. Wisps of fog rising from the water at dawn. Red-eyed loons rising from the cool depths. These are the Northwoods of Wisconsin, better …