Dialogues on Corrupting Influences: My War Was Better than your War

(Special Feature from ChatGPT: “AI, AI, AI, Ohhh…”) Sgt. Felicya Adams, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Featuring the Fabulous Dadbots: Mark M., Dave S., Mark O., Dennis C., Paul C., and Geoff Carter Bots, Ross Douhat, conservative columnist for the New York Times, asks the question in his most recent column:  Was Iraq a Worse …

Dialogues on the Human Touch: I am not a Robot

Attribution: Prompt by JPxG, model by Boris Dayma, upscaler by Xintao Wang, Liangbin Xie et al. (Apache License 2.0 or BSD), via Wikimedia Commons By the Fabulous Dadbots: Dave S., Mark M., Mark O., Dennis C., Paul C., and Geoff Carter Something appealing about that ‘60s imperative—Question Authority—in a proletariat way (to me)…  I have a boatload of …

Dialogues on the Elephant Graveyard: Letters to the Wisconsin GOP

Featuring the Fabulous Dadbots: Mark M., Dave S., Mark O., Dennis C., Paul C., and Geoff Carter VIGNA christian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Couldn’t help but think: Earlier this week, some “super smart” liberal cyclists I know…said they might vote Republican yesterday, in hopes of getting the candidate for governor–least likely to beat Evers elected …

Dialogues on a Bad Hair Day: Letters of Quiet Desperation

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Featuring the Fabulous Dadbots: Dave S., Mark M., Mark O., Paul C., Dennis Curley, and Geoff Carter Half full: Ahem: History will tell that the tenure of these narcissistic, isolationist, populism puppeteers was brutal, but thankfully short. The 2nd brick in the wall falls, is the wall next? …