Kickass and Arbor Day

D. Gordon E. Robertson
CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in celebrating Arbor Day, the inclusion of trees in their respective lives being different in some ways but similar in others, namely a lack of respect.  The keeper has attempted to make amends with publication of his book, “TREESON: An Apologia to trees,” used in making newsprint for his 35 years of newspaper column drivel. {Amazon, bookstores or at

The keeper’s go-to Arbor Day memory is one that has the raged student body of his country school trooping out through melting snow to Beckers’ woods to see the bloated body of an adult beaver that had been fatally trapped when the tree it was cutting down had slipped off its stump and landed on the beaver’s tail.

Had there been a book about the occurrence it might have been entitled “A Popple’s Revenge.”

Happy Arbor Day!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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