Kickass and the Recount

Photo by Bill Stokes

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, is not sure the keeper is in a good place as he—the keeper recalls, and then requests a re-do of the election for prom king of the class of ‘49 at Barron High School.

It had been a two-way contest between the keeper and Eddie Schmidt, who was a school athletic hero, while the keeper had peaked out by carrying water to the football team.

The vote in the 80-some member class had been a virtual tie, so close that if the keeper had voted for himself, he would have been prom king, the same year he served as homecoming king when chosen by Queen Hilda Flohr.

The fact that most of the voters in that election have passed on is not a good reason for the keeper to hesitate in calling for a recount. He is extant, and able to demonstrate that in a prom-king election re-do, he would vote for himself, having long ago outgrown false modesty as a desirable character trait.

To the best of his knowledge, the keeper thinks Eddie and Hilda might be among those ’49 class members who have danced off the big floor; which means that in the final analysis the keeper is jousting at windmills and, since he is already Phyllis’s prom king, he should shut up and live with the old election results while the two of them dance to the strains of “Stardust.”

Photo by Bill Stokes

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