Kickass and Pigs and Chickens

Jdbunod at English Wikipedia
, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper agrees with the heart-felt public pleas to be considerate of various wild creatures; but he wonders just where pigs and chickens fit into the human conscience of coexisting compassionately with the lesser-brained.

First the pigs and chickens were domesticated to live with humans in a more or less humane–“farm” way, and then they were cruelly stuffed into cramped cages to do egg-laying and reproduction under conditions designed solely by profiteers.

Sows and hens now live lives under incredibly cruel confinement that prevents them from exercising anything resembling natural impulses or pleasures; and that seems to be fine with everybody in the modern-day bacon-and-eggs culture!

The keeper remembers the free-roaming pigs and chickens of his farm boyhood, and he offers a blanket apology for the way things have evolved.  He does that on a daily basis as he fries up his “farmer” bacon-and-eggs breakfast; and consumes it with a glass of milk from strictly confined cows that never know the bovine exuberance of running in green pastures.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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