These pages are dedicated to examining issues affecting the health of planet Earth in both global and local contexts. Information pertaining to deforestation, sustainable energy sources, climate change, at-risk animal populations, air and water pollution, deregulation, and others will be displayed. The page will also contain a list of organizations dedicated to improving and sustaining the health of our planet.
While these issues have been at the forefront of our news recently, recent legislation has been systematically eroding the protections of our air, water, woodlands, and oceans. We cannot afford to become complacent about these issues. We must hold our governments, our business communities, and ourselves accountable.
Please find listings of environmental organizations helping in the fight to preserve the integrity of our natural world. Global organizations are listed first and are followed by a short list of organizations actively fighting to preserve Wisconsin’s woods and waters. These lists are by no means comprehensive. If you know of an organization that you feel should be listed, please contact us.
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A listing of global organizations dedicated to the preservation of the Earth’s resources:
The Sierra Club fights for the preservation of forest and land, clean water and air, and many other issues.
The National Audubon Society fights for the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, with strong focus on birds and other wildlife.
World Wildlife Fund deals with wildlife defense while strongly emphasizing science.
The Nature Conservancy has sustained more than 117 million acres, kept 5,000 miles of rivers clean, and led hundreds of marine conservation projects.
Environmental Defense Fund works with the government and companies to create environmental initiatives, programs and policy.
Friends of the Earth is a champion of healthy animals, people, land, plants, air and water and is also devoted to stopping global warming also.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an independent international group of leading respected scientists that provide people interested in climate change with an objective source of information about the matter.

Photo by Geoffrey Carter