Dialogues on Rebuilding the Canadian Pipeline: Enbridge Too Far

Attribution: USEPA Environmental-Protection-Agency, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Featuring The Fabulous Dadbots: Mark M., Dave S., Mark O., Dennis C., and Geoff Carter Bots, You may have heard of the controversy over Enbridge Line 5. Or not. You may not even be interested! But here goes. Sorry, this is lengthy and the payoff is not …

Kickass and Bear Hound Training

kikiciao, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in posing a few questions for Wisconsin residents: 1.   Do you know that again this summer bear killers from all over the country will bring their hounds to Wisconsin for “summer training” which means aggressive packs of dogs will rampage …

Days of the Locust

Artwork by Michael DiMilo By Geoff Carter We humans are the greatest of Earth’s parasites. –Martin H. Fischer Anyone who’s studied high school biology—or spent a summer evening outdoors in Wisconsin—is familiar with the concept of parasitism, an association between two organisms in which one benefits, or survives, at the expense of another. Mosquitoes, ticks, …

Kickass Advises Bear

National Park Service, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in advising the black bear that has been roaming the west Madison area: for god’s sake go back to your den and get back to sleep, it is still winter in all of Wisconsin and if your …

Kickass and Bear Hounding

Attribution: Wenzel Ignaz Brasch (1708-1761), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, goes along with the keeper on this coldest Wisconsin morning of the year to point out the dumbest circumstance prevailing in a state that was once a respected leader in conservation issues: narcissistic bear hunters, many from other …