Kickass and Phyllis Genius

Photo by Bill Stokes By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in being awed by Phyllis’s casual innovation of the 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle genre, a popular form of entertainment that has remained unchanged forever.  In working her puzzle, a gift from her daughter Gina, Phyllis used much of a kitchen counter to …

Kickass and 2025 as a Model A

Attribution: Lars-Göran Lindgren Sweden, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper, having sampled an entire day of 2025, has consulted with Phyllis and decided to go through the year identifying himself as a car, which in his case would be a Model A Ford made the …

Eating Our Young

Illustration by Michael DiMilo By Geoff Carter America has always been full contradictions (the more cynical among us might say hypocrisies). It is a place where anyone with enough spunk, luck, and wherewithal can become rich and powerful, but it is also a country where abject poverty runs rampant. It is a place where people …