Kickass Remembers Captain Tony

CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, can offer little help to the keeper as time takes its inevitable toll on the accuracy of memories amid the dispersal of life’s “reminder” debris. This reached unpleasant proportions recently when the keeper could not remember which family member now has the autographed poster of Captain Tony–proprietor of the former “Sloppy Joe’s”–that hung for years in the keeper’s bedroom.  That poster, which was the result of the keeper’s obligatory visit–many years ago, to the Key West haunts of Hemingway, contained Captain Tony’s famous quotation and was autographed: “Bill–You know this to be the truth!”

Captain Tony’s quote was: “All you need in life is a tremendous sex drive and a great ego. Brains don’t mean a shit.”

The keeper hopes that whichever clan member now possesses the Captain Tony poster has it prominently displayed–perhaps in their bedroom.

The keeper awaits clan responses.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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