Featuring the Fabulous Dadbots: Mark M., Dave S., Mark O., Dennis C., Paul C., and Geoff Carter
VIGNA christian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Couldn’t help but think:
- Earlier this week, some “super smart” liberal cyclists I know…said they might vote Republican yesterday, in hopes of getting the candidate for governor–least likely to beat Evers elected as the Republican candidate. The question: Which one? We’ll never know the answer to that. But if I were to guess, I’d say Kleefisch had less chance of beating Evers because of sexism. Independent of parties to some extent. Trump beating Hilary is case in point…though there were many issues…personally I think our society is still plenty sexist and look no further to Biden winning the primary.
Yet, NPR tonight leaps to the conclusion that Michels won due to the adolescent’s backing. I disagree. What if Michels had Walker and Pence’s backing and Kleefisch had the adolescent’s backing? Same result if you ask me. Trump was irrelevant, this is pure WASP men liking men—(often hating women), and preferably WASP men.
- All these electoral college impersonators. Is it just me that is saying WTF? (fairly loud when I say it)…with respect to this accusation of voter cheating—without an iota of basis (evidence) vs the well documented attempted cheating re these electoral college impersonators. (7) states including Wisco tried this crap. Pretty sure they have names/evidence…Lock them up. Surprised at the lack of hue and cry at this obvious hypocrisy.
As always, Interested in other’s takes,
Wisconsin politics. That’s like catnip to me! Thanks for teeing it up, Dave.
I think two things can be true at the same time. First, was Kleefisch the victim of societal misogyny? Of that I have no doubt. She was trying to run as a fairly hard-edged conservative. That is a very tough act for a woman to pull off. Why? Because there are a ton of people, both men and women, who are going to view her as a “bitch”. (Even for a woke and non-sexist individual such as myself, listening to Rebecca bash the “librul” mob made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! I think it’s generational.) Calling her a bitch is out and out sexism. Kevin Nicholson tried to run as a “conservative warrior”, kind of a man’s man among conservatives, a former Marine who will take charge. To my eyes, this was fairly ridiculous. Macho posturing to the extreme. (And you can see some of the same in Michels’ ads.) But this obvious and phony play acting doesn’t so much as raise an eyebrow—because Nicholson and Michels are men. A woman could never get away with that.
Next, did Trump’s endorsement matter? Certainly it helped. His endorsement record is a bit spotty, but within the Republican ranks, he’s had a lot of success this year. He pushed Dr. Oz (PA), Herschel Walker (GA), JD Vance (OH), and Kari Lake(AZ gov). None of these candidates get the GOP nomination without the push from the large orange man.
So, who is a better opponent from Evers’ perspective? I tend to think that it’s Michels. The same Trump imprimatur that helps in the primary becomes an albatross around his neck in the general election. In the words of your local auto body guy, Trump’s frame has been bent. Independents are turned off by the constant stream of scandals emanating from that black hole in Mar-A-Lardo. This latest — the mishandling of friggin’ nuclear (pronounced nu-cu-lar) secrets in the golf shoe storeroom in the club basement — cannot be helping.
We’ll see evidence of this in the coming weeks. I read that Michels had already quietly scrubbed the Trump endorsement from his campaign biography (or website or something), and didn’t restore it until its absence was pointed out by a New York Times reporter. Michels was asked whether he’d support Trump in 2024, and he verbally waffled (only to walk back the waffling the next day with a ringing endorsement!). Those of us who watch TV will soon be bombarded by Michels’ ads. In the primary, he prominently featured Trump’s endorsement. We’ll have to see how these ads look between now and November. I doubt you’ll see many mentions of Donald Trump.
So, what is Michels in Wisconsin politics without the Trump endorsement? Just another bozo in a long line of “businessmen” who think that their CEO experience makes them great leaders of men. That angle worked for Ron Johnson, and I suppose you could say it worked for Herb Kohl (though he never really pushed his biz experience in his campaigns, just his wealth). This businessman fallacy is similar to the “former military” fallacy. These biz dudes and former generals always look rock solid to the campaign consultants and the parties’ candidate recruiters, but the voters are as often as not underimpressed.
Regarding the fake electors, I couldn’t agree more. Each and every one of the fake electors, and the lawyers and hacks that arranged the fake slates, should be heavily prosecuted for attempting to defraud the United States. Open & shut case. In Wisconsin, one of the fake electors, Robert Spindell, was a commissioner on Elections Commission! Jeebus. By definition, he should have known better.
I hope that Merrick Garland and the DOJ pursue these idiots to the ends of the earth. This kind of misbehavior cannot be tolerated.
–Mark M.
Mark M.: You: Johnny Carson. Me: Ed McMahon. Nicely filleted.
Wanting to add: Kleefisch loses with the orange stamp too. Misogyny/sexism/et-cet-er-a-ism… Her other problem with the guys that call the cops/get out their ARs when the Blacks get close to their lawn, is that she is a career politician. Michels, is just the opposite, a git’r done—cable guy anthem—guy. And I will disclose, I watched/walked alongside, the state office workers zombie walk to the vending machines twice a day: 10:30 am and 2:30 pm. Zero “hair on fire”, “40 under 40” candidates in state government. But at Michels’ go get ‘em firm? Hundreds. Capitalism! Served fresh every day in the private sector. Thus the intoxication of this what if…
But this trope…populist assault…what if…however you describe it, is getting tired, (I hope and pray). It is unfair for many and most importantly—as you point out the so called, so inflated, “breath of fresh air–the ex-Marine or ex-NFL full back, cable guy quals—are pathetic and ignore the value of experience. Time in grade. I’d turn it 180 and ask Michels or anyone in his camp: Would you hire an unqualified person, (perhaps one of color), top wage, sans quals? Civil service is not a sin, in fact it is a sacrifice to some extent.
As David Byrne crooned, “Some civil servants are just like my loved ones, they work so hard and they try to be strong….”
Don’t Worry About the Government Lyrics: The Talking Heads
Go Pack!
On Meet the Press this morning, smart pollster Amy Walter echoed a concept that I’ve heard on political podcasts. I’ll apply it to the Wisconsin governor’s race.
“Republicans want to make this election a referendum on the incumbent, Evers. Democrats want to make it a choice election.”
You can see the Republican strategy in the Michels ads. He brings up Evers and Biden, as if they were joined at the hip. They’re both career politicians, insiders. Inflation is terrible! Hordes wait at the borders! Those problems are Evers’, er Biden’s fault. Vote your dissatisfaction with BidenEvers by electing manly businessman, Tim Michels.
Democrats aren’t so crazy about the referendum idea, with their incumbent governor subject to being blamed for everything from acne to bad weather. Instead, they want to paint Michels as a crazy, scary, out of the mainstream mofo. Voters need to make a choice between Evers, who may not be causing any flutterings of excitement in their hearts, and Michels, a lunatic who could have played the clown in Steven King’s “It”. And the abortion decision has fallen right into the Democrats’ lap. They can and will frame the election as a choice between the safe and the crazy.
In general, incumbents hate the referendum framing, and challengers love it In 2012, Obama and his allies spent millions defining Mitt Romney as an out-of-touch equity manager who loved to push grandmas off the cliff, and close factories. When the election came around, it wasn’t a referendum on Obama, it was a choice between Obama and his untrustworthy capitalistic CEO opponent.
Framing works.
–Mark M.
Love the Stephen King clown analogy …
Framing, to me, seems to be based on inherently superficial things. Linking someone to someone else who is unpopular, or to issues that they are not resonsible for (i.e. inflation).
It appeals to our baser instincts and discourages deeper thinking about the big things that will shape our future.
Climate change, health care, fair taxes, gun control, and voter rights are some of the big issues. If responsible people were to take the time to explore, and consider, these issues I think just maybe a majority could be won over.
Hopefully, democrats will go in this direction and make an impact.
Although, I do kind of like the clown framing …
–Paul C.
Yes, wouldn’t it be great to focus on ”real” issues? Unfortunately, any candidate who focuses only on real issues winds up doing so in a debating society on the unemployment line.
Before you can make progress on the big issues (and you have identified some good uns)….. You have to WIN.
–Mark M.
Yes, winning is mandatory!
–Paul C.
Sorry I’m so late to the fray, guys. I guess, first of all, I do agree Kleefisch lost because she was a woman—credentials and ideology by damned, but am I offbase in thinking she reminds me of Sarah Palin? (RK might actually be smarter). I remember being at a work party where some Republican-leaning guys seemed infatuated by Palin, saying they’d vote for anybody that looks that hot—they really meant it, too. That got me wondering if hot-looking candidates capture the male white vote. Kleefisch (for me at least) left me feeling like I was holding a cold fish—of course, so did Palin. I think Elizabeth Warren is sort of sexy in a schoolmarm sort of way. And I do need discipline.
It seems an impossibility now, but I really wish there was a level playing field at the Wisconsin Statehouse. I don’t see any way, probably during our lifetimes, that we might have a balanced Assembly and Senate in Madison. There’s no way state politics are going to budge from their present roost in the stagnant swamp.
I’m also a little nervous about Michels. He’s got money to burn, he’s got a machismo image, and he makes Tony Evers looks like Ichabod Crane. Tony is by far the better candidate and the better man, but since when does that really matter?
Ichabod Crane! Nice one
In a little geneology rabbit hole today, I discovered that my maternal great-grandmother’s maiden name was Evers. I may be related to Ichabod, the accidental governor! I hope he is re-elected but that would require us to re-examine our understanding of the power of anti-charisma. I welcome that.
As far as does the milquetoast Evers stand a chance against a guy who actually has forearms, actually works for a living…we’ll see. Hoping 50 somethings in suburban and rural Wisco see Michels as volatile, zippo experience and his orange pal as a threat to national security…and many other things. A lot of people write about the fatigue factor and folks starting to smell a rat in his orangeness, tired of his act…but I dunno…certainly no fatigue in Wyoming and many other places. In my gut, I feel like Tony is an underdog. Are they going to debate? Arm wrestle?
Tony may be “Aw shucks” but the art choice sure as hell is political. It was politically when white boy Walker took down the picture of racially mixed kids playing on a Milwaukee street. It just didn’t speak to his base. And Evers’ resurrection of same is just as political.
Election returns across the country seem to indicate that the Dobbs (Roe) decision has sparked a brush fire. Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and most recently in New York state. The Donkeys have been punching above their weight! Not the results you’d expect in a Red Wave election.
Wrestling, Dave, like Abe Lincoln used to do to settle arguments. In this corner Mad Dog Michels! His opponent, now approaching the ring, the very capable Tony Evers!!! (All he needs is a carved pumpkin). Game over.
You know which other Wisconsin race surprised me, though, was Tammy Baldwin. I didn’t think she had a snowball’s chance in hell, but she did it. There is some residual common sense (kind of like pipe resin) still in this state.
It can’t be helped, the inevitable application of All-Star wrestling jargon to WI politics…
The homegrown tag team for Governor has to be the equivalent of da Crusher and Dick the Bruiser (the Dems) vs. that carpetbagging and sinister duo of Mad Dog (Michel) and The Butcher Vachon. I believe the Dems have a shot in statewide elections if they employ The Claw submission hold of sanity vs. fanaticism (Trumpism).
State and congressional races are another matter since the Republicans have adopted the Piledriver tactic of extreme gerrymandering of voting districts (“It oughta be banned, Marty”).
Whaddya think, too much?
Not the Claw……the Figure Four Leg Lock! They won’t know whether they’re foot or horseback! They’ll be on rubber leg street! However, it has been banned in some states.
Mark M.