Kickass and The RBAD System

Artwork by Michael DiMilo

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, will be helping the keeper develop the Repub Backward Alarm Device (RBAD) patterned after the reverse beepers on trucks and construction machines like those working on the school addition across the street from the keeper and Phyllis.

The RBAD devices will be implanted by big money interests into the warped cranial cavities of all the Gerrymandered Repub legislators and politicized judges, and will emit a foghorn-like sound—“BOOB-BOOB-BOOB,” when the Repubs do something characteristically stupid like vote against a national active-shooter Amber alert system, as most of them, did several days ago.

While the RBAD warning requirement will not provide any meaningful protection against the results of Repub narcissism and stupidity, the “BOOB-BOOB-BOOB” will serve as a warning that yet one more critical piece is being removed from the great log cabin of democracy and the roof is about to collapse in on the populace, with women and children among the first casualties.


The keeper warns against panic, and advises:

Take cover!

Rail against that dark political night!


Demand truth!

Support RBAD!


Photo by Bill Stokes

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