Kickass and Vintage Valentines

National Library of Norway
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By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, will assist the keeper on this St. Valentine’s Day by napping through his efforts to adapt the day’s sentiment and frivolity to those vintage citizens who share the Vista West independent-living life-style with the keeper and Phyllis:           

  *Roses are red.

          Violets are blue.

         I think I have Covid,

          How about you?


 *I love you in the morning,

         And at night, no doubt.

          I’d kiss you to prove it,

         But my bridge is out.


*How much do I love thee?

         Only time can tell.

         As you listen to the stories

         That I retell and retell.


*My heart beats only for you.

         It throbs at things you do.

         Like standing in the kitchen

         To make your vegetable stew.


*My love for you needs no proof,

         But if it did, here’s what I would do:

         Next time you drop something

         I’ll do the creaky bend-over and hand it back to you.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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