Kickass Watches Cold Football

Midwest Communications
CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper had not watched a football game for many years but tuned into the Packer’s-Vikings Sunday spectacle to reassure himself that sports fans were just as hopeless as they were many years ago when he did a cover story about sports fans for the Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine that included the account of an English socker fan biting out a policeman’s eyeball.

The keeper did not see any of that kind of mayhem in the Green Bay game, but he did see thousands of people sitting on their fannies out in near zero temperature in an unheated stadium to watch grown “boys” bang into each other to move a misshapen ball up and down a frozen field.

This should perhaps not be surprising in a state where fishing through two feet of ice for saucer sized bluegills is a major winter activity, one the keeper has experienced.

Sunday night’s TV cameras inevitably found the Green Bay exhibitionist sports fans who were shirtless, and the keeper found himself strangely comforted by the fact that they and the others at Lambeau Field were his kind of people and on any given night he might see blood relatives in the frigid crowd.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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