Kickass as a Bowerbird

Phil from Sydney, Australia
CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes that in the keeper’s records is the Facebook post showing that three years ago he traveled to Arizona and kidnapped Phyllis in her own car, snatching her out of the warm sunshine and bringing her to face cold Wisconsin winters; and aside from the fact that they ran out of gas on Route 66 due to ignoring everything except their interest in each other, the trip and the succeeding three years have been magical.

The fact that at their respective advanced ages they would find the joys of a relationship with attributes of high school-crush intensity, this marks Phyllis and the keeper as fortunate beyond words.

You want something to be thankful for!  Forget the symbolic turkey, the keeper says, and consider the bowerbird, which is sometimes how the keeper thinks of himself. And while his bower “treasures” may have changed, Phyllis is still with him and that is the only thing that counts.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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