Kickass and Unmasking

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, is assisting the keeper in moderating some of the chaos resulting from the great unmasking now occurring across the country, specifically just how to treat the Lone Ranger and Tonto who apparently spent the entire Covid mask-up period as residents of Coventry Village on Madison’s west side where the keeper and Phyllis live.

The unmasked Lone Ranger—otherwise known as Ted in a 4th floor unit, while reluctant to talk about his retirement from “doing good” since there is so much need for it, told the keeper that he and Tonto—revealed as John down on the second floor, frequently sneaked out during the mask-up and saved several ranchers’ daughters from the clutches of outlaw Republicans.

Having once authored a book entitled “Hi-ho Silver Anyway,” the keeper assumes some special interest in the unmasking of the Lone Ranger and Tonto at Coventry; but it is of small concern when compared to the reassurance he received that the masked woman he—the keeper, has been living with is indeed the beautiful Phyllis he teamed up with prior to the global masking. The proof of such things is in the kissing, now much encouraged everywhere by the great unmasking.


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