Duck for Love

Illustration by Michael DiMilo By Geoff Carter Leonardo da Vinci once asked, “Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?” and Joseph Campbell once said, “Myths are public dreams and dreams are private myths.” Sigmund Freud said dreams were “the royal road” to the unconscious. Yet for …

Full Measure

Artwork by Michael DiMilo (Originally posted on May 31, 2019 in Honor of our Veterans) By Geoff Carter Ah, Memorial Day: the harbinger of summer, the first family picnic, and the grill master’s opening day. Memorial Day also happens to be the holiday recognizing and honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our …

Full Measure

Artwork by Michael DiMilo (Originally posted on May 31, 2019 in Honor of our Veterans) By Geoff Carter Ah, Memorial Day: the harbinger of summer, the first family picnic, and the grill master’s opening day. Memorial Day also happens to be the holiday recognizing and honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our …

Full Measure

Artwork by Michael DiMilo (Originally posted on May 31, 2019) By Geoff Carter Ah, Memorial Day: the harbinger of summer, the first family picnic, and the grill master’s opening day. Memorial Day also happens to be the holiday recognizing and honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our nation and Constitution. It is …


I’m a native of the greater Milwaukee area, infamous for being one of the most segregated areas in the country. According to a January 8, 2019 Brookings Institute study, “three out of four black residents in Chicago, Milwaukee, or New York would have to move in order to live in fully integrated neighborhoods with whites.” …

Blue Christmas

Artwork by Michael DiMilo             As we were trimming the tree last weekend, my wife asked me to bring in the laptop so we could listen to Christmas music. I complied—as any trained husband will—and set up the sound system in our dining room. And so we trimmed the tree and drank some wine and listened …


Artwork By Michael DiMilo In the 2006 movie, Idiocracy, the main character, a very average guy, volunteers to be a test subject for a top-secret hibernation program. After a mishap, he awakens five centuries in the future into a society that is so ignorant that the president of the United States is a retired professional wrestler …

Hands I Cannot See

Artwork by Michael DiMilo             This last Saturday, I installed myself at a table at the Authors Market at the Southeast Wisconsin Book Festival to hawk copies of my novel, The P.S. Wars: Last Stand at Custer High. A lot of people stopped and engaged me in some very interesting conversations. We talked about everything from self-publishing, …