Kickass and Norma’s Birthday

Photo by Phyllis Stokes By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper would wish his younger sister a happy 92nd birthday today but he knows she would bring up the occasion of his telling her that if she held the tennis racket in front of her face it would protect her from the …

Kickass and Tree Lane

Photo by Bill Stokes By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, napped while the keeper and Phyllis strolled up Tree Lane next to Vista West on an unseasonably warm late October afternoon, stopping often to identify uncommon tree species, and marveling at the trees’ spectacular demonstration of another season of growth and life in the …

Kickass and Hunting

Attribution: Photo by Daniel J. Schwarz on Unsplash By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper accepts his “predator” identification and recalls how he enjoyed exercising it over decades of hunting birds and animals, especially at this time of year when he wallowed in the beautiful transition of the seasons with weapon in hand and …