Attribution: Roy E. Plotnick, Jessica M. Theodor & Thomas R. Holtz Jr., CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper has concluded his research on which came first the chicken or the human and in keeping with the benevolence of great scientists before him is ready to …
Kickass and the Cellular Cycle
Attribution: Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis were both impressed by information posted by Scott Marrese-Wheeler that each human is composed of 84 minerals, 23 elements, 8 gallons of water divided among 38 billion cells, and these cells will inevitably be recycled in some other …
Kickass and Gravity
Attribution: NASA/JPL/University of Texas Center for Space Research., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in noting this Earth Day week by honing his respect and disdain for the insidious increase in the power of Earth’s gravity as it effects falling down and retrieving dropped items by …
Kickass Accepts Science
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes that when dogs gather to socialize and bark at things, there is general agreement that the “things” they bark at the most are seen as common threats. It is no different for humans when they gather to socialize and “bark” at perceived threats. …
Kickass and UFOs
Attribution:derivative work: thumperward (talk) File:Supposed UFO, Passaic, New Jersey.jpg: –, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in asking what it says about the state of bipartisanship when both Dems and Repubs cooperated in holding a recent hearing on whether or not entities from outer space are …
Kickass and Oppenheimer
By Bill Stokes United States Army, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Kickass, the doorstop dog, joined the keeper and Phyllis to stay up much past their bedtime to watch the MSNBC documentary “Oppenheimer” which showed the life of the man responsible for the atom bomb and how it was subsequently used to kill thousands of …
Unidentified F…ing Objects
Artwork by Michael DiMilo By Geoff Carter Since the sighting, tracking, and downing of the Chinese weather balloon/surveillance device off the coast of South Carolina a week or so ago, three more airborne objects have been observed and subsequently downed over or near American airspace. Nobody knows exactly where they’re from or who sent them. …
Oh, Christmas Tree
Artwork by Michael DiMilo By Geoff Carter (Originally posted in December, 2019) Each year, in the family holiday tradition, my wife and I venture out to buy our Christmas tree. We’re lucky enough to live across the street from a big tree lot so we don’t have very far to go—we can walk right over. …
Dialogues from Word World: Letters from the Friendly Skies
Official U.S. Navy Page, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Featuring the Fabulous Dadbots: Mark M., Mark O., Dave S., Paul Carter, Dennis Curley, and Geoff Carter Fellow Bots, I visited the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) festival in Oshkosh last weekend. I have a few observations to share. But first, I have to relate that my teeth …
Kickass and Space Telescope
NASA and the European Space Agency., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper’s enthusiasm for initial use of the James Webb space telescope allowing us to see 4.6 billion years into the past, is moderated by our utter failure to see even one minute into the …
Foul Weather
Artwork by Michael DiMilo By Geoff Carter Over the past two weeks, our Wisconsin weather—always a wild card—has been beyond extreme. We shot up from a high of sixty-one degrees last Wednesday to a high of ninety-five on Thursday (never mind the heat index). That next night the temperature plummeted to the low sixties. This …
Kickass and Those of the Forest
Shadowmeld Photography, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Bill Stokes Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper has finally finished his before-sleep book—”Those of the Forest” by Wallace Grange, which is an accounting of the symbiotic existence of all things, complete with all the necessary predatory/parasitic violence and transformative extinctions. There are no people …