Kickass and Questions

Attribution: Photo by Ludovic Migneault on Unsplash

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, is unable to assist the keeper and Phyllis as they wake to yet another day of grappling with the profoundly absurd questions of the day:

*How the hell did we give a narcissistic sub-par lying golfer the clubs to drive the entire world into the unplayable rough?

*How many more people must die and suffer horribly as incumbent fools hawk their science-denying ignorance?

*Will the ultimate power of money culminate in a form of eugenics whereby those with lengthy SS history will be put on ice floes for one-way cruises? 

*Is there no alternative to getting in the car with Thelma and Louise and going over the cliff ahead of the demented posse?

Kickass would advise the keeper and Phyllis to nap, but they either have political mange or a Repub louse infestation which causes itching they cannot effectively scratch.

They are open to suggestions.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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