Attribution: Gene Daniels , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, is not much help to the keeper as he grapples with changing eyesight conditions due to macular degeneration, which currently has him wearing an eye patch to deal with seeing double images.
At this point in his nonagenarian existence, the keeper should know how to deal with “degeneration” no matter where or how it occurs. The adjustments are not always easy but are as essential as anything else in the grand cycle of life, like graduating from risky teenage hijinks or ceasing middle-aged demonstrations to show you still have it on the “expert” ski slope.
Giving up wading trout streams at night–the keeper’s lifelong passion, was accepted due to “degenerative” leg strength and balance, and now he goes out there to those wonderful environs only in his dreams and would take Phyllis along but she is not all that excited about fishing.
