Kickass and Seeing Double

Attribution: Jonathan Trobe, M.D. – University of Michigan Kellogg Eye CenterCC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper’s latest vision issue is seeing double, which is one thing in seeing two images of Phyllis but quite another when it comes to watching the TV news showing multiple images of Musk and his rabid guard dog.

The keeper will be visiting the VA eye clinic today where he has received years of excellent care and he hopes the expert staff will still be in place despite the ongoing Musk bomb throwing at the VA and many other critically important entities in American life.

It is hoped by the keeper that his macular degeneration can be adjusted so his declining vision maintains its focus to the left and retains a clear view of Phyllis as she throws Musk’s bombs back at him.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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