Kickass and Weather Forecast

Attribution: Gus PollyCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis will be filling in from time to time for some of those dedicated experts who are being fired by the Musky Money Monkeys who now infest and manage the WHITE White House.

Starting with the fired weather service experts who helped produce daily forecasts and warnings that save lives, money and property, this is the replacement forecast for today from the keeper and Phyllis’s “Have-a-nice-day” (HAND) weather service.”

“March 10, 2025 will be a great unseasonable warm, sunny day with no cloudiness expected until a White House press conference rolls in from the east later in the day with possible tornados., cyclones, hurricanes and severe thunderstorms.”

FYI: It has been ordered by the Musky Monkey Teen Mistrust that use of the word “front” is banned in weather forecasting and is to be replaced by the word “back.”  By way of compliance, the HAND weather service goes back and advises its age group that “Have a Nice Day” has been edited to become simply “Have Another Day,” (HAD.)

The keeper and Phillis will be “having” Mar. 10, 2025 with pleasure and appreciation and invite everyone to do the same.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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