Photo by Phyllis Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, obviously understands the “Good boy” compliment but is not sure about the keeper’s reaction to what was intended as a compliment to him when a young woman said, “You don’t look a day over seventy-five.”
Perhaps the compliment is in a class with the old story about the prom guy who when advised to make conversation with his dance partner said, “For a fat girl you don’t sweat much.”
The keeper not only accepts the compliment, he more or less wallows in it, telling Phyllis about it one more time and never passing up an opportunity to look in a mirror.
The keeper appreciates his good fortune in dancing the last dance with a partner who is neither fat nor sweaty, and he considers it all totally a matter of incredible good luck. And if any future compliments revolve around missing his age by 18 years or so, know that for a really, really old guy he doesn’t sweat much!
