Kickass and VA Eye Visit

Attribution: Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, lends this space to the keeper to update his continuing saga with the VA eye clinic as it treats his advancing macular deterioration–AMD.

A three-hour session of examination and consultation with top professionals answered all of the keeper and Phyllis’s questions and assured them that if you must deal with AMD you are in the very best hands with the VA eye clinic and its cooperative arrangement with the UW med school. Compassionate experts will hold your hand and hand off whatever vision-aid equipment is appropriate.

So, the keeper’s dividends from agreeing to go to Korea in 1951 and exchange live rounds with young strangers from another land continue.

Do not mess with these kinds of payoff arrangements, oh Mighty Musk and your bone spurs sidekick! You have no idea what the hell you are doing!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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