Kickass and the Spoon Player

Attribution: Wolfgang H. Wögerer, WienCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper and Phyllis were hosted by neighbors Marsha and Jack to sit in on a zoom session with their friends, one of whom did a six-song performance of playing the spoons. It was a remarkable show, made all the more so by learning that the spoon performer Bob was 97 years old and had taken up spoons only in recent years.

Phyllis remembered her mother played bones in family music making, while the keeper has only a recollection of his mother trying in vain to instill in the keeper’s earliest music fumbling that rhythm was an important ingredient. He is still working on it with Phyllis’s help and appreciates the efforts of all concerned in the Marsha/Jack/Bob zoom.  Bob invites listeners to join him at “Spoons ‘N Tunes.” As he says, “IT’S FREE!”

2 thoughts on “Kickass and the Spoon Player

  1. I just found out about this website via the Minoqua brewery and got immediately interested. I studied at UW Madison (BA, ( liberal arts history major),MA,(Central European History) PhD (History and Scandinavian Studies). I was dispatched from the History Dept. to teach at Western Michigan University, then to Carnegie Tech, and finally to Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. In order to keep my job there, I took leave of absence to finish the Swedish elements of my research on Sweden and the Ethiopian War, 1934-37. I am still here in Stockholm, retired from teaching IB History and Theory of Knowledge, and serving as examiner for AP World History, and served a term on WHA’s Executive Council.
    So you see why I jumped at your promotion of Liberal Arts and your work in Wisconsin Schools. Thank you! I’ll try to read some of your books soon!

    1. Thank you, Carol. Hello from an old badger. I appreciate your kind words. We’re trying to fight the good fight here, but things are getting a little daunting. I still have faith we’ll come out on the other side of this, but it’s going to take some time. Take care.

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