Kickass and Vision

Attribution: See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, hands it off to the keeper who insists on writing a personal note to his wonderful mother, gone these many years but never forgotten:

            “Well, Mom, as I am tying my shoes this morning in the manner you taught me, and as usual thinking of the countless other things you instructed me on and handed down through your Norwegian genes, a small blurry blob showed up in my field of vision.

            “You know where I’m going with this, Mom, and I hasten to assure you that I understand you had no choice in passing on old-age related vision issues that go way back to probably running off track in the original Birkebeiner.

“With the vigilance and treatment of the VA eye clinic, Mom, our family eye issues–(Age-Related Macular Degeneration, for one.)  have been contained as much as possible with shots and medication; and I want you to know that as “Mom” on the computer screen comes to look increasingly like “M*m” I have no  accusatory feelings and instead appreciate all you did to make it possible  for me to see  so many wonderful things for so long.

            “Thanks, Mom. Now, about my paper-thin skin and boney legs!”

Photo by Bill Stokes

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