Kickass as a Jackrabbit

Attribution: Frank SchulenburgCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, turns it over to the keeper on this wintery Saturday: 

“They were like the royalty of winter, those big jackrabbits that would spring magically out of nowhere to lope with infinite grace across 40 acres before stopping to reassess the wintery scene.

“Such an encounter on the long walk to the country school set up learning barriers that lasted all day as the images of that silent animal with the oversize, black-tipped ears and the long, spring-loaded rear legs dominated through every recitation session.

“They were such powerful images that they endure to this day and I can still see the jackrabbit that sprang up out of a plowed field on top of the big hill and lopped off at a leisurely pace to stop way over in Peterson’s back forty hayfield.

“Jackrabbits are all gone from Wisconsin–nobody has seen one for years, which is too bad and provides motivation for expressing the reincarnation preference to come back as a jackrabbit and live in northwest Wisconsin with the coyotes and the wolves and the altered agricultural environment that is no longer jackrabbit-friendly.

“Such a jackrabbit life holds the promise of being a most interesting stop in the great cellular recycling.

“No hurry, though!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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