Kickass and Old Cousin Photo

Photo by Bill Stokes

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper and Phyllis in appreciating cousins, the keeper being motivated by a wonderful old family photo sent along from Barron, WI. by his cousin Pat Turgeson. The photo, taken at Vermillion Lake where the clan frequently gathered for Sunday picnics, produced such a cascade of memories that the keeper was rendered even more out-of-it than is his usual condition.

There in the sunshine from a long-ago summer Sunday were cousins DuWayne and Kenny along with uncles Ralph and Earl, and unmistakably identified by his balding head, was the keeper’s father Forrest.

All of these clan males were gathered behind what looks to be a model A Ford coupe, and beyond waiting for the clan females to serve up the picnic dinner it is hard to tell just what they are doing.

“Nothing!” would be a pretty good guess, and those cousins and Uncles and Dad were obviously reveling in it.

The keeper had to be there somewhere, likely down at the gravel-bottom swimming area or hanging out close to the wooden hand-cranked ice cream maker.

Thank you, Pat, for being a thoughtful cousin. You weren’t there to be in the old photo of course, it being before your time. But your dad “Uncle Alvin” likely was, probably off cranking the old ice-cream maker and making the aunts all giggle at his antics. 

Photo by Bill Stokes

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