Kickass and Liberty or Death

Attribution: Peter F. Rothermel (1812–1895), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, identifies with the keeper’s question of just when does extreme old age become a noteworthy plus by putting a statistical limit on the amount of time a nonagenarian will have to witness narcissistic fools stripping basic human decency from the US political system and thus the world?

Whether it would be better to die than to be a part–even as just an observer, of the reversal of evolutionary advances as things slide back to knuckle-dragging and extreme misogyny, that is the question?

Patrick Henry put it simply in 1775: “Give me liberty or give me death!”

The keeper is on board with that and being much older than Phyllis he will try to keep her informed of his limitless tolerance for fools and his boundless joy in spending the rest of his life with her. May it go on and on and the inane politicos be damned!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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