Attribution: Carlo Chiostri, User:Mbz1, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper is in something of a dilemma in adjusting to the demise of truth as a communications requirement, from pronouncements from political narcissists to now here on Facebook with the announcement that posts will no longer be “fact checked.”
Having been conditioned by a long newspaper career in which “truth” was the overriding requirement and sticking to the facts for a decade of daily “Kickass,” the keeper has yet to decide how to react to a medium that in effect says it is okay to tell lies since that kind of behavior is apparently trending.
Does he continue to offer Kickass on his blog-–billstokesauthor.com, does he try to go to some other medium where money is involved, or does he retire Kickass because he is a tired old dog and wants to nap more in this era where sticking to the truth is apparently the mark of irrelevancy?
The keeper will await poll results from “friends” and enemies.

We must continue to fight against tyranny and the lies upon which its power is built. Keep kicking. But how and where and with whom are big questions. Everyone seems to feel exhausted and defeated. The liars are winning. But perhaps there is the spirit simmering that can to be gathered into a loud voice in support of truth.