Attribution: Eric Ward, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes the keeper’s inability to deal with the fact that his first grandchild was born 50 years ago when Katie came into the world as a flawless “19-incher,” the keeper at the time being heavily into trout fishing and its terminology.Katie has had an incredible 50 years of quality living and outstanding accomplishments as she broke trail for subsequent granddaughters–Sunny, Jessy, Sarah and Natalie. And, of course, there have been those seven grandsons who came along laterdemanded passage on the clan ship: Beau, Bud, Nick, Tony, Andy, Steve, and Paul.
If the quality of one’s grandchildren is to be the ultimate measure of their life–And how could it be argued otherwise?–Katie set a very high bar that the other grandchildren keep striving to surmount, much to the keeper’s pride and joy.
Today, in a wrap-up of the holiday season, the keeper will drive Phyllis halfway across the state for a gathering of her family, built around the presence of two of Phyllis’s beloved granddaughters. Alexas and Tyler. Others–Luka, Geordan, Nikki, Melissa, Matt and Dani will be in Phyllis’s thoughts and subjects of her braggadocio.
Happy birthday, Katie, and to all grandchildren everywhere, know that you are all “keepers.”