Christmas Card

Photo by Bill Stokes

By Bill Stokes

Phyllis and Bill pass along their Christmas list to aid family and friends in their gift selection:

*TIME! Though they have accumulated generous individual supplies they would still like more. And if you can fill any of it with a visit, they are at Vista West on Madison’s far west side. They have cookies/coffee/Korbel!

*HEALTH! While they both deal with multiple maintenance issues they continue to successfully fight off the effects of the big ones.

*MORALE! To their good fortune both Phyllis and Bill are able to remember delightful things from their childhood and earlier lives and if you were involved in any of it they remember you, with fondness of course and they talk about you often.

*ACTIVITIES! Phyllis, with her inclination to set things right and be helpful has become the Vista West housemother with multiple friends and does not take enough time to exercise her photo-art talents. She is the photographer for the “Breeze,” the Vista West newsletter which Bill helps edit when he isn’t writing Kickass or his Great American Novel which is plotted around women taking over the world so he is under some deadline pressure.

PLANS! To travel no farther than central WI or Mazomanie to see family and tell those at any greater distance to please come and visit. Bring myrrh.

SEASONAL OUTLOOK! A very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR from Phyllis and Bill and Kickass to every last one of you!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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