Attribution: John Tenniel , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Katzenjammer and Ben Caplan
The holiday season is all about family tradition. Whether it’s about going to Midnight Mass, carving the Christmas ham, avoiding the mother-in-law’s homemade eggnog, or sampling Grandma’s oyster stew, traditions are what makes our holidays special. But some people are hurting. Many are out of work. Some do not have enough to eat or a place to sleep. Not all families will be able to gather together. Some loved ones are gone forever. Yet, no matter the hardship and no matter their means, people will find a way to celebrate.
So, in recognition of our fragile and marginalized citizens who are doing the best they can to make this season festive and joyous, The Pen in Hand would like to present his collection of unconventional Christmas moments—snippets of film, TV, and audio—that celebrate the non-traditional, unusual, and exuberant holiday observances.
Fairy Tale of New York
A beautiful rendition of the bittersweet Pogues’ Christmas anthem about two Irish expatriates sharing memories and regrets in New York City on Christmas Eve. This is not your typical Christmas song about the sentimentality of the season, teary homecomings, or presents under the tree; it’s about disappointment and regrets and—finally—love. With Katzenjammer, Ben Caplan, and The Tronheim Soloists.