Attribution: National Archives at College Park , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper’s dilemma in waking up with the strong sensation that he must spend the day preparing for something, but it was not clear just what that was.
Finally, it dawned on him that this was the day before the opening of the Wisconsin traditional deer season and he had been conditioned by decades of participation, which meant spending the “day before” in a frenzy of equipment accumulation, packing, traveling and settling into the deer camp wherever it might be.
The keeper has such a load of deer hunt memories that his brain obviously went into overnight overload and signaled him to “get ready!”
In response, the keeper will put on a red shirt, head for his recliner with a cup of coffee, and ask Phyllis if he ever told her about the time he fell asleep while driving to a deer camp in Sawyer County, hit a huge ditch boulder and went end over end in a VW Bug?
The keeper has definitely got “the day before” properly programmed and looks forward to sharing the 2024 deer camp recliners with Phyllis, “dear stands,” you might say.