Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper’s inability to run with the pack in the area of bird photography as evidenced by his latest attempt to use the super moon as a backdrop for Canada goose photos. (Please take note Phyllis and friend Harry, both skilled photog freaks!)
Standing out on his 5th floor balcony as the bright moon rose up in the direction of the Capital dome, the keeper waited out the daily flight of the geese from the nearby pond and when a perfect V formation came exactly in the right position and angle he focused on it with some excitement and, unbelievably, his camera refused to function and instead signaled “low battery!”
Using a strong vocabulary that the geese obviously did not understand as they did not circle and give him another photo op, the keeper considered his options, some of them extreme and even destructive to himself and his equipment.
Before he could act on any of them, however, he installed fresh batteries and stood out in the growing darkness in despair, and then along came a lone goose that flew in front of the moon and got its picture taken.
Can a man love an anonymous lone goose?
It depends on the man’s mental stability and the company he keeps.