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By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, allows the keeper to use a personal example of the importance of a single vote in determining election outcomes. The year was 1948 and the election was for junior prom king at Barron High School. It pitted Eddie Schmidt, the athletic star and the “city kids” favorite, against the keeper who had a lot of “country kid” friends. With some 80 or so voters, the election went to Eddie by one vote, possibly the keeper’s as he of course did not have the audacity to vote for himself, particularly in light of close friends demanding to see his ballot.
The keeper’s prom experience was further thwarted when the girl—Shirley B.–that he asked to be his prom date came down with the mumps and had to stay home.
With the big election looming, the keeper plans to think of it in terms of a prom and will be asking Phyllis to be his queen after he votes for himself, symbolically speaking.