Attribution: Photo by Derrick Treadwell on Unsplash
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper and Phyllis in lamenting that among the annoying ups and downs foisted on a considerable portion of their “Independent Living” age group is the elevator.
Perhaps not as insidious as the so called “smart phone” that assumes a brain take-over for all those over 65, the elevators for those who live in such places as the five-story Vista West structure, are yet one more reminder that the new life style for the walker brigade is not to be conducted at ground level as was the case for most of the residents’ lives, and if they now want to get to their new “home” they must get on an elevator.
And frequently, say when there are strong signals from a stressed bladder, the elevator is off doing its thing on another floor or seemingly even in another building.
The keeper and Phyllis live on the 5th floor and they park their car at the “P-1” level, and it is the keeper’s contention that upon returning from a drive, the elevator invariably ignores him for as long as possible, especially when he is left staring in personal bladder distress at the unlit “P-1” indicator light.
Could an elevator possibly have a cruel sense of humor?
“P-1,” indeed!