Kickass and the Apple Phone

Photo by Bill Stokes

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, is happy that dogs do not have phones as they would never put up with the incredible treatment that the keeper and Phyllis endured as they tried to follow the APPLE procedure for repairing Phyllis’s “broken” –almost new, phone.

There were FOUR trips to the APPLE store, three days of waiting for an appointment, a useless APPLE-suggested stop at Best Buy and two trips to Horizon where the phone had been purchased. There were also numerous phone contacts using the keeper’s phone, and after SEVEN days without her phone, Jay at the APPLE store—which resembles nothing so much as a recreated slave market, handed Phyllis a new phone and said she could be on her way.

Phyllis handed Jay an itemized invoice for $140 in travel expenses and time wasted, which he declined to accept.

The keeper, meanwhile, surveyed the mob of APPLE store customers obediently following the dictatorial directions of the corporate monopoly that treats their clientele like simple minded chattel.

The corporations—like APPLE, occupy the plantation mansions and that’s just the way it is!

Pick cotton, everybody!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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