Illustration by Michael DiMilo
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, passes along the keeper’s news that several deals between Wisconsin and Florida have been delayed by hurricane Helene, one being the exchange of Fla. Gov. DeSantis for Wis Sen. Johnson, and another having to do with a trainload of Fla. oranges for one of Wis. cheese.
It had been the thinking of Wis. trade agents that DeSantis would more effectively spread the waste of dairy animals, Johnson having largely failed at disseminating his brand of conspiracy BS.
In the oranges-for-cheese train trade, possible business opportunity was seen in developing lines of “grilled orange sandwiches,” “orange burgers” and “Mac and Oranges”
Perhaps a headgear more dignified than the current Wis. one which resembles a chunk of Swiss Cheese might be possible, maybe a baseball cap imprinted with “MAKE AMERICA DRINK MORE MILK AND BEER.”
With this kind of serious creative thinking occupying the keeper, Phyllis largely ignores him and continues with her ever expanding “get out the vote” project.
Such is life at 150 Bella Vista Dr.

Photo by Bill Stokes