Kickass Sits by the Silo

Photo by Bill Stokes

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, is occasionally awed at the keeper’s refined dating technique and the smooth way he impresses Phyllis.

Yesterday, for example, he agreed to drive her out to Four Winds Farm in Fitchburg where they could sit by the tall silo and eat wood-fired pizza while drinking Spotted Cow and, for Phyllis, something called “Elderberry Spritzer.” 

As is his wont, the keeper regaled Phyllis with fascinating accounts of his youthful silo-filling days on the home farm, and admitted, when Phyllis asked, that he had never climbed to the top of a silo and he was not about to do so at Four Winds given his acrophobia.

Instead, he mentally improvised a song to play later on his button accordion: “Come and sit by the silo, little darling. Do not hasten to bid us adieu……”

Photo by Bill Stokes

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