Kickass and Bridge Trolls

Attribution: Peter C. Asbjørnsen (1812-1885), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, passes along the information that in his never-ending efforts to be helpful, the keeper acknowledges the statement from one of the major political players that in the interests of informing voters it is not only okay but laudable to “tell stories.”


      “Once upon a time in a strange land called ‘Us’ where most of the gold was owned by under-the-bridge trolls who also owned the bridges, a law was enacted making it illegal for ‘Us’ women to cross over any of the bridges without written permission from the ‘Us’ trolls.

            “Unfortunately, so many of the rich ‘Us’ trolls were too dumb to write permission slips and as a result, huge masses of women assembled between the Us bridges they could not cross until there were so many of them in such a high state of bridge frustration that they caused an earthquake that buried many of the trolls in their own insufferable arrogance, thus opening the Us bridges to all crossers, except for a small subset of those choosing to wait for the rapture.

            “Speaking on behalf of all ‘Us’ citizens, a bridge-crossing Wisconsin woman named Phyllis, announced a program of troll neutralization under the auspices of Planned Parenthood where she once was employed.”

            End of story. The keeper hopes it is helpful.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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