Kickass and 93rd Birthday

Photo by Phyllis Stokes

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes that the keeper having laid claim in a pre-birthday post to being the world’s oldest sometimes-naked accordion player, takes the occasion of his actual 9/11 birthday to announce his retirement from further campfire performances—naked or otherwise, in part at the behest of Phyllis who expressed concern over his safety in a smoke-filled, rowdy environment.

Among the keeper’s birthday gifts was a bottle of good cognac from Tom and a delicious apple pie from Lynda, both items put into play as medicine for the irritating cold the keeper is fighting.

A big thanks to all for the good birthday wishes.

And the keeper leaves you with this thought: If, like him, you are fortunate enough to get to be as old as a Model A Ford—last made in 1931, just keep on going down the road. Stay off the interstate racetracks and if you find a shady lane, stop and talk to the people. They will be good folks and it will be your greatest pleasure to be among them!

Photo by Bill Stokes

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