Kickass and Windshield Survey

Photo by Bill Stokes

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis are on deck this post Labor Day weekend with the results of a state-of-the-state report based on an extensive central Wisconsin windshield survey.

            *Rain needed–Corn and bean fields showing distress with pointed and discolored leaves.

            *Trees peaking out with their wonderful green excess and promising a spectacular season finale in coming months.

            *Christmas trees pre trimmed with perfect cones.

            *Cows looking back with “What’s your problem?” curiosity.

            *County trunks and sideroads virtually traffic free while it’s a roaring racetrack over on the interstate.

            *And what is that subtle sense of post Labor Day excitement that you cannot see through the windshield but you can feel it everywhere in the state’s homes and communities if you slow down or stop? It is the first days of the new school term, of course, and what is more important than that!

            The keeper and Phyllis’s crowd remember their first school days as if they were yesterday, which they definitely were not.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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