Kickass Returns to the Water

Attribution: Jules Verne Times TwoCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, shares the keeper’s observation that the evidence that we all once crawled up out of the water and are anxious to get back there was on full display at Tim and Cyndy’s Lake Wisconsin Cottage and thousands of other watery Wisconsin locals over the Labor Day weekend.

Given our evolutionary attachment to the lakes and streams it is hard to fathom how we have allowed our cultural offal and byproducts to so poison and pollute the pure water as to make it offensive, not so much on Lake Wisconsin which is part of the Wisconsin River with its renewing flow.

The massive treeless lake home across from Tim and Cyndy’s quaint cottage in the big trees is a precursor to the days when only the “haves” will have access to the water, whatever its quality.

As the avowed most intelligent species, the “haves” had better lead the way to thinking more like fish or future Labor Days will find them gathering around their private cesspools while the “have nots” hold their noses and view the water from afar.

(The keeper and Phyllis thank Tim and Cyndy and Jessy for hosting a great lake afternoon complete with peach pie by Cyndy.)

Photo by Bill Stokes

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