Attribution: Saigon Soul, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper, prompted by another writer’s account of a dangerously stupid swimming decision, vividly remembers after all this time the night he jumped into the closed and dark Barron swimming pool with friends, apparently forgetting that as a swimmer he was akin to a rock.
When he could not touch bottom he panicked and began desperate flailing to get back to the exit ladder before either embarrassment before his unaware friends or drowning, whichever came first.
It happened that a young lady was on the ladder at the time, and the first contact the drowning, flailing keeper made was with the back of her swimsuit top. In his desperation that contact was not gentle and in the dark pool was misunderstood by the young lady.
While the keeper has mined his past for crumbs of writing material he has never used the dark pool incident until now, and he apologizes for that. If one’s life could said to have been saved by a swimsuit bra, the young lady who was wearing it should be acknowledged and thanked.
The keeper never knew her identity but will tell the story to Phyllis to see if it holds up after all this time, and perhaps for suggestions on how to show further appreciation for the resulting long post-bra life.

Photo by Bill Stokes