Attribution: Photo by Patrick Hawlik on Unsplash
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes that as the keeper works at doing his part on the exciting world stage he is often distracted by personal issues that tend to take precedent and detract from his otherwise valuable cultural contributions. Most recently the keeper lost his watch, and though there are many opportunities to determine the time of day, looking for the missing watch assumed far more importance than seemed appropriate.
How can a lowly wristwatch disappear so completely in the generally organized Vista West quarters where the keeper and Phyllis reside?
For several frustrating days, the keeper looked in every possible place where the watch might be, and then he looked in those places again and even a third and fourth time.
No watch was to be found, until the keeper reached in his right-hand pants pocket where he keeps his trusty Swiss Army knife and his small luck stone, and there was the wristwatch where it had been hiding all along.
Shades of, “Grandma, your lost glasses are on your forehead.”
The keeper will henceforth be checking his pants pockets more often: who knows what long lost things he might find!

Photo by Bill Stokes