Kickass and Blueberry Pie

Attribution: Jessica SpenglerCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, listens as the keeper announces the gold medalist of blueberry pie makers as Cyndy A, who also medaled in the soup-making competition as she generously responded to Phyllis’s temporary culinary sidelining due to hip replacement surgery.

Lots of people reacted with sympathetic gestures and tokens as Phyllis was benched—she is recovering in great shape, and the keeper, while manning the ice packs, knows that it would not be in Phyllis’s best interests for her to eat an entire blueberry pie all by herself so he will be assisting her, at her invitation, of course, and after he helps her deal with some of Cyndy’s delicious salmon chowder.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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