Kickass and Loud Mufflers

Attribution: National Archives at College Park , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper is on yet one more of his “do good” efforts, this one being the control of those young idiots who modify their vehicle exhaust systems to make them sound like WWII bombing raids complete with fighter plane escorts.

It is all a personal identity issue, of course, with the loud-exhaust perpetrator saying, “Look at me and hear how incredibly important I am as I offend everyone with my juvenile mechanical blatting!”

Each time one of those unmuffled jerks roars up Gammon Way, disturbing the peace of the surrounding school, residential and business neighborhood, the keeper yearns for some way to catch the loud vehicle operator so he could have a brief talk with him.

There is no need for a decibel meter. The keeper’s foul language alerts Phyllis and further contaminates the audio atmosphere as yet one more unmuffled ding-dong proves how incredibly immature and inconsiderate he is.

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