Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports waking up much earlier than usual as Phyllis and the keeper headed across town to get a new right hip joint for Phyllis, the old one being high-mileage and worn out as a result in part of Phyllis having hiked in every national park in the continental US and lots of other places.
UW’s Dr. Anderson estimated it would take him about an hour to do the procedure, and Phyllis would be up and about in a matter of hours.
The keeper long ago ceased to be amazed at unbelievable medical feats, and he has lived with Phyllis long enough to expect that with new hiking joints he may not see as much of her as she hikes all the Wisconsin state parks or heads off to “do” her Canadian birth country parks.
The keeper, meanwhile, hikes between the fridge and his recliner, and points out to Phyllis that he does so on “original” joints.

Photo by Bill Stokes